A united, Black-led movement to defeat racism.
Founding Statement

“Nothing about us without us.”
RACISM and inequality have never been starker in Britain.
The government’s hostile environment continues to scapegoat migrants,
refugees and the Muslim community.
From the Grenfell Tower fire, Windrush scandal to the Covid pandemic, we have seen a heavier impact on people of colour.
In Britain, with its history of empire and colonialism, racist ideas are deeply rooted. People of colour make up 14 per cent of Britain’s population. Daily they face personal and systemic racism. The shocking racist abuse of footballers and other black people in the public eye must be stopped. We need a united movement to defeat all such discrimination.
Africans, Asians, Caribbeans and other people of colour are at the sharp end of racism so it is they who should lead the fightback, supported by white allies.
The Black Lives Matter protests mobilised huge numbers precisely because black people turned up for them. Beyond police reform, BLM widened its demand to include the decolonisation of British history.
Community organisations, including trade unions, must take these matters even more seriously than before. Much more needs to be done to mobilise African, Asian, Caribbean people and other working-class communities, together with the labour movement at every level.
We will campaign in our communities, trade unions and workplaces to achieve our objectives.
United together we can defeat racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism and all other forms of hatred.
We therefore support the founding of The Liberation Movement.

The Liberation Movement activists on the anti-fascists demo in central London (October 26, 2024)

The Liberation Movement stall at Unite’s London and Eastern Black History Month 2024
The Liberation Movement stall at Unite’s London and Eastern Black History Month 2024 event. TLM volunteers with Luke Daniels (left) president of Caribbean Labour Solidarity